与“ story ”有关的作文
时间:2025-04-01 07:19:14
This story is called "The Farmer and the Snake." Every day, a farmer went to the city to sell his flowers and farm produce and then went home after selling all his things. One day, he left home very early, so early that when he arrived at the city, the gate was still closed. So he lay down to take a nap, when he awoke he found that the storage bin containing his farm produce had become empty except that there was a gold coin inside. Although all the things in the bin had vanished, the gold was much more valuable so he was still very happy. He thought most probably someone had taken his things and left the payment there, and went home happily with the money.
The next day, the farmer again went out to sell his things but again arrived too early so he slept outside the city gate just like he had done the day before. And the incident repeated itself. All the produce that the farmer had brought disappeared, and there was a gold coin in the bin! At that time, gold was very valuable. One gold coin had a value many times higher than the farmer's produce.
Then one day some time later, the farmer's father asked him, "Where have you gotten so many gold coins lately? Where did the money come from?" So the farmer revealed to his father what had happened. After listening to his story, the father thought, "One day I'll follow my son as he goes out, and see who's been consuming his things and leaving the money in the bin."
So one day, when the farmer went out to do business, his father quietly followed him. While the farmer was sleeping near the city gate, his father saw a snake crawl up to his bin and eat his produce. Having finished eating, the snake once again spat a gold coin into the bin as payment to the farmer before leaving. Seeing this, the farmer's father thought, "If I kill the snake, I'll be able to seize all its gold coins!" He then picked up a stone and cut the snake into two parts.
At that time, the head and trunk of the snake were already in its den, and only the tail was outside. The father thought that there must be a big treasure in the den so he told his son to reach inside for it. But unexpectedly, when the farmer reached his hand into the den, the snake bit and killed him! Even though it had been cut into two, the snake could still bite! I understand how this could have happened because that was how I got bitten when I was small. At that time, I saw a centipede that had been beaten and squashed by someone, leaving only the head intact. I thought it was dead, and to make sure, I poked it with my foot. It bit me hard and I cried for three days. (Laughter) I was really dumb! Remember! Don't play with a centipede even if it looks dead. Sometimes it just fakes death; it's not really dead.
Perhaps that was what happened to the snake in the story. Its head wasn't dead yet. Thus, it bit the farmer, who subsequently died. Seeing his son killed, the farmer's father cried brokenheartedly next to the son's dead body and asked the snake, "You snake! Why did you kill my son? Why did you bite my son and kill him?" Instead of answering him, the snake asked, "Why did you break my back with the stone? There was no animosity between us. I had never done anything bad to you, nor had I done you any harm. If you had been more patient and waited, I would have given the entire treasure here to you. However, because you struck me, I bit and killed your son. Had I killed you instead, you would not be in such deep sorrow. I killed your son so that you'd live the rest of your life in agony." This snake was venomously wise! Instead of biting the man who tried to kill it, it bit his son so that the father would be in agony for the rest of his life. It was truly amazing!
常常会在一些学生报刊上看到些反映校园朦胧感情的“朦胧文学”,比如作为同一个老师的课代表,常常在办公室相遇,接着便是走廊、操场的偶遇,再接着常常是盼着遇见他(她),最后一定是“理智”战胜了“情感”,将这一份“感情”深藏于心中。夸张一点的还会写道:“一年后,我考上了我期盼已久的X X学校,……将是我永远美好的回忆。”虽然学校不太大肆宜扬早恋的坏处,但。我们一直知道“早恋”是不对的。
正如大街小巷张惠妹唱的“我知道这样不好……”,我看见了许多可以说是“夸张”的love story。大街上常常有人一肩斜挎着书包,一手扶着自行车,一手楼着女朋友,有说有笑,旁若无人;也有在文通高峰时,两部车并排慢慢悠悠地骑,中间几乎插不进一张报纸;更有人早上六点半,车三角架上载着手拿书包的女友直到学校的正门口,然后“下车推行进校”;学校附近的超市收款处,有了站在那儿无所事事,等着女友排队付钱买餐巾纸、洗面奶、“乐芙球”的帅哥。
如果说几年前谈“恋爱”的中学生还会有一点“负罪感”的话,现如今在校园有一个固定的boy(girl) friend,真的要比穿adidas, PUMA还要神气,因为“我有‘魅力'”嘛!
以前,如果哪个学校谈“恋爱”的人多了,就会被冠以“校风不好”的名声。而如果现在哪个老师看见某对同学走得近一些,就把他们叫到办公室训一顿,那么这个老师的“恶名”一定会在一天内传遍整个学校,三天内传遍所有的“兄弟学校”。即便是在班会课上偶尔地旁敲侧击,也会引起绝大多数人的不满,从此背上“封建”之名。从前的刊物总向我们宜传“早恋不利于学习,切勿走人误区”,而如今翻翻书摊上的各类“少男少女”书刊,随处都可以看见那些朦胧的文字。从前座的男生,到邻家的大哥哥;从阅览室穿白裙的女孩,到篮球场上打一手好球的“帅哥”,这已是属于被嚼烂的老土故事。电台的“翩翩情”“今夜不太晚”更常常能听到一些少男少女写的“love story”,不过在专业培训的主持人口中娓娓叙来,加上抒情的背景音乐,一份神秘与羞涩更是诱人难耐。
我一点也不想说人心不古,世风日下。成熟得早一点本是无可厚非的。校园的love story没有你爱我、我爱他不爱你,你爱他、我也爱他的“经典三角”;也投有家庭背景的“罗、朱”式的悲剧,只是为自己有机会为自己脸红心跳烦恼而莫名兴奋,为找到一个吵架的对象而欣己喜,为有人买可乐而满足小小的虚荣心,何等奇妙呀!